Safety Toolbox Talks Your respiratory safety on the job depends on you wearing a properly functioning and fitting respirator. Tell your supervisor if your respirator interferes with your ability to see, hear or be heard properly, if it restricts movement so that you can’t safely do your job, or if it has any damaged or […]
Power Tools
Safety Toolbox Talks Power tools make it possible to do many tasks quickly and efficiently. But, because they use electricity and have fast-moving parts, you must exercise extra caution when using them. Follow these safety rules when using power tools: A review of the use of electrically powered tools is in order because of the […]
Power Lines (Overhead)
Safety Toolbox Talks A worker who climbs onto a tall truck bed to unfasten a load can be electrocuted instantly if he or she contacts a nearby power line. And a worker who positions a crane or dump truck beneath a power line risks electrocution when the boom or bed is raised. Accidents involving overhead […]
Pinch Points
Safety Toolbox Talks Recently, a worker was crushed to death against a wall by a huge truck that was backing up. That was a pinch point accident In another instance, a pair of pliers slipped and pinched a worker’s hand, which caused a blood blister Pinch point conditions are one of the most difficult hazards […]
Personal Protective Equipment
Safety Toolbox Talks At each of our discussions, there is generally one particular phase of safety being stressed. The goal is to reduce the number of disabling job injuries-which will benefit both you and the organization. Today the topic is safety clothing and equipment designed for our personal use as an important contributing factor toward […]
Safety Toolbox Talks We don’t usually think of paint as a hazardous chemical-after all, millions of people use paint in all sorts of situations without wearing any special protective equipment. But understanding the health hazards of prolonged or repeated exposure to paint substances can help you understand why OSHA requires you to protect yourself when […]
Safety Toolbox Talks Machinery or equipment that starts up unexpectedly or releases stored energy while someone is performing maintenance or repairs can cause serious injury. Lockout/tagout procedures prevent these types of accidents from happening. Although only authorized employees are permitted to perform lockout procedures and to remove locks and tags, all employees need to understand […]
Safety Toolbox Talks Although forklifts, dollies and carts are often used to move materials and equipment, some objects must be moved by hand. Improper lifting of camera, grip and set lighting equipment and set decoration and construction materials can lead to one of the most painful and costly work injuries an employee can suffer – […]
Liftgate Safety
Safety Toolbox Talks Liftgates are potentially hazardous and should only be used by employees who have been trained or familiarized to operate them safely Common injuries include: amputated fingers and toes; crushed feet; a runaway load that falls over or off the Liftgate onto an employee trying to steady it either next to or below […]
Ladder Usage
Safety Toolbox Talks Both single and extension ladders should be equipped with nonskid safety feet and should be placed on a firm, level surface. The distance from the ladder’s base to the wall should equal one-fourth the distance from the base to the point of support. Never set ladders on boxes or other objects to […]