Safety Toolbox Talks

Power Lines (Overhead)

A worker who climbs onto a tall truck bed to unfasten a load can be electrocuted instantly if he or she contacts a nearby power line. And a worker who positions a crane or dump truck beneath a power line risks electrocution when the boom or bed is raised. Accidents involving overhead power lines are serious and usually result in death. They’re typically caused by carelessness and can be prevented.

If you work beneath power lines:

  • Estimate clearances between power lines and the highest point of your equipment.
  • Have the power company install protective barriers or de-energize the lines. Keep yourself and your equipment at least 10 feet from power lines
  • Make sure workers on the ground don’t touch vehicles or equipment
  • Ground all vehicles and other equipment. Carefully near the power lines, and make sure workers aren’t near the grounding location
  • Be extra cautious when handling long conductive materials, such as pipes and metal rods
  • Use ladders with nonconductive rails
  • Wear protective equipment, such as nonconductive headgear and rubber sleeves, gloves and boots
  • If a live power line hits your vehicle, stay inside; if there’s a fire, jump out - with meet together– as far from the vehicle as you can. Avoid touching the vehicle and the ground at the same time
  • If a live power line falls, stay away from it and call for help
  • Carefully survey the scene to identify any overhead hazards


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