SAFE PRACTICES / Working at Heights

Controlled Access Zone (Safety Monitoring System)

A Control Access Zone is used for leading edge or xed edge work where a minimum distance from the edge of 6 ft is used to protect employees not wearing fall arrest or fall restraint equipment. NOTE: The Control Access Zone should be expanded during adverse condition, (e.g. slippery roof) or when working at an additional elevation within the “Safe Zone” (e.g. on a step ladder).

  • 1.
    Make sure the controlled access zone is de ned by a control line or by any other means that restricts access, and make sure signs are posted to warn unauthorized employees to stay out of the controlled access zone.
  • 2.
    When control lines are used, make sure they are erected not less than 6 feet nor more than 25 feet from the unprotected or leading edge
  • 3.
    Make sure control lines consist of ropes, wires, tapes, or equivalent materials clearly marked at not more than 6-foot intervals with high-visibility materials.
  • 4.
    Make sure each line is rigged and supported in such a way that its lowest point(including sag) is not less than 39 inches from the working level/working area and its highest point is not more than 45 inches
  • 5.
    Make sure each line has a minimum breaking strength of 200 pound
  • 6.
    Make sure a competent person is designated to monitor the safety of other employees, and that this designated person complies with the following:
  • a.
    Warn the employee when it appears that the employee is unaware of a fall hazard or is acting in an unsafe manner
  • b.
    Stays within visual sighting distance of the employee or in direct communication with the employee being monitored
  • c.
    Should not have other responsibilities which could take the monitor’s attention from the monitoring function
  • 7.
    Only authorized employees should be allowed in an area where an employee is being protected by a safety monitoring system
  • 8.
    Each employee working in a controlled access zone will comply promptly with fall hazard warnings from the safety monitor.


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