All productions working at Warner Bros. Studios are expected to comply with LA County Department of Public Health guidelines regarding service of food and refreshments. Please see the following bulletins from LAC DPH, which addresses food that can be served by craft service without a permit, protocols for receipt of food delivery, and information about mobile food facilities and catering operations.
This website and the information contained in the Injury & Illness Prevention Program (IIPP) are intended and authorized for the use of employees of this Company only; they are not intended for, nor should they be used by, the general public or any third parties. If you have not been expressly directed to this site by the Warner Bros. Studio Operations Department of Safety & Environmental Affairs, you are not authorized to use this website and you must exit now. The IIPP is a general outline of safe work practices to be used as a guideline for our productions to provide a safe work environment for our employees. Because each particular work situation is different, these IIPP guidelines are intended to be used in conjunction with consulting the appropriate production supervisors and seeking the assistance of our Production Safety personnel. The information contained in this IIPP is not a legal interpretation of any federal, state or local regulations, laws or standards. No warranty is made about any of the contents of this website.
For Productions within the Canada
For Productions around the world
This Section is currently under development