The following section sets out the roles and responsibilities for all persons working on the Production.
Producers, Unit Production Managers & Directors
- To accept their role as the main responsible persons with regards to Health & Safety (H&S) on the production.
- To look at the hierarchy of risk control, throughout all stages of the production.
- To ensure that this Policy is distributed to all Head of Departments (HODs) and see that suitable departmental health and safety arrangements are prepared.
- To allocate resources for the purposes for H & S.
- To see that any subcontracted work is carried out by suitable and competent contractors.
- To ensure that H & S matters are including during all technical recces and production meetings.
Heads of Department (HOD)
- To acknowledge and accept their role as a Head of Department and the responsibilities that come with that role.
- To engage competent supervisors and operatives, based on their skills, knowledge, experience, and training.
- To ensure that suitable department H&S arrangements are prepared and disseminated down to the workforce.
- To ensure robust, suitable & sufficient risk assessments are conducted and to ensure safe systems of work are implemented and followed by all persons under their control.
- To identify areas where health and safety training may be required and to arrange said training to comply with Health & Safety Executive (HSE) legislation and production policies.
- Conduct and record regular monitoring tours of their workspaces and address at source any non-compliance issues, concerns, or suggestions from the workforce on the ground.
Supervisors, Coordinators and Chargehands
- To safely manage all persons under their control and work to the departmental Health & Safety Arrangements.
- To liaise with other departments and contractors in relation to any work activity in shared spaces.
- To correct unsafe workplace issues and or equipment.
- To report back to their Head of Department on safety-related matters.
- To ask for additional support, resources and or training if required.
All Staff
- To take reasonable care of themselves and their work colleagues.
- To work within their competency following safety instructions given to them.
- To only use work equipment that they have been trained and authorised to use.
- To report anything they feel is unsafe to their Supervisor or Head of Department or the Studio Anonymous Safety Hotline
Health & Safety Consultant
Contact your Production Safety Consultant to discuss responsibilities and scope of work.