Additional Storm Drain Policy Guidelines – By Department

The State of California, the Regional Water Quality Control Board and Warner Bros. Studios strictly forbid all employees, clients and tenants from intentionally dumping or allowing chemicals—including those labeled “environmentally friendly” or “biodegradable”—into the storm drain system.

Please review the WBSO storm drain policy guidelines below with your department heads and their crew as applicable. For any questions on wastewater, contact S&EA at (818) 954-2890 or the WB Plumbing at (818) 954-1700.

Craft Services

  • Ice, melted ice, drinking water and all other forms of liquid cannot be allowed to enter the storm drain system. Do not pour any of these liquids (or, in the case of ice, leave it to melt) on the ground in the vicinity of a storm drain catch basin.
  • Regularly check the level of the waste tanks for Craft Service trailers, as well as on-stage or portable sinks, to make sure they do not overflow. Notify your Transportation Department when waste tanks on your trailers need to be emptied.
  • Waste mop water and other forms of residential-type cleaning products must be deposited into mop sinks, toilets, or other locations which drain to the sanitary sewer.



  • Check the level of liquid in waste tanks on all trailers to make sure they are emptied before they overflow.
  • Do not over-fill fuel tanks on vehicles. When done filling tanks, make sure that the filler cap is replaced before moving the vehicle.
  • Report on-lot spills of fuel, motor oil, hydraulic oil and other vehicular fluids to S&EA at (818) 954-2890. These spills must be cleaned up by a trained and qualified representative of the Hazardous Waste Facility or Fire Department, and the spill debris must be disposed of as hazardous waste.
  • Car washing or detailing activities may not take place except in designated areas where containment is possible.


Make-Up & Costume Departments

  • Do not allow water used in cleaning any equipment or materials (such as laundry) to run into the storm drain system. Please have production contact OPS (818-954-6777) if you need assistance with disposal.


Props Department

  • Check the level of liquid in waste tanks on all trailers to make sure they are emptied before they overflow. Notify your Transportation Department when waste tanks on your trailers need to be emptied.


Greens Department

  • Do not allow water from outdoor plant watering to run into the storm drain system.


Special Effects

  • Contact Office & Production Services whenever on-lot water effects are being planned on exterior sets (e.g., rain bars, wet downs, fire hydrant props, etc.) or on stage (e.g., showers, sinks, bathtubs, etc.). Advance coordination with S&EA and WB Plumbing is required to discuss plans for the required water capturing/disposal efforts.

Production / Construction – General Waste Disposal

  • Make sure the area surrounding your sound stage(s) is kept free of construction or production related waste. This includes items like cigarette butts, wood, rope, empty plastic cups or bottles, nails, screws, paper, cardboard, candy wrappers, saw dust and metal filings, and other general forms of trash. Have your laborers police these areas to ensure that they are kept clean.

This website and the information contained in the Injury & Illness Prevention Program (IIPP) are intended and authorized for the use of employees of this Company only; they are not intended for, nor should they be used by, the general public or any third parties. If you have not been expressly directed to this site by the Warner Bros. Studio Operations Department of Safety & Environmental Affairs, you are not authorized to use this website and you must exit now. The IIPP is a general outline of safe work practices to be used as a guideline for our productions to provide a safe work environment for our employees. Because each particular work situation is different, these IIPP guidelines are intended to be used in conjunction with consulting the appropriate production supervisors and seeking the assistance of our Production Safety personnel. The information contained in this IIPP is not a legal interpretation of any federal, state or local regulations, laws or standards. No warranty is made about any of the contents of this website.


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